
Countdown to "Relapse": 2 weeks left.

Now the Interscope machine is going full steam ahead with the promotion of Eminem's "Relapse".  This week we have...

Eminem's new music video for "3 AM".  This song is a solid one.  And despite the slightly obnoxious delivery (still can't stand that accent), the song itself is reminiscent of the "Slim Shady" Eminem.  The accompanying video is really good though.  I love the old school horror flick feel it has.  Given all the copious amount of blood present in the video and violent theme, I doubt this plays on MTV (I don't watch MTV so I can't confirm that).  No wonder it debuted on Cinemax.

Eminem, "3 AM".

Then next up, we have the new song "Old Times Sake", featuring Dr. Dre.  The song itself is also solid... not amazing, but good.  It's a "Business"-type album cut backed by Dre production (also not amazing, but good).  I've always felt Dr. Dre gave better beats to other artists.  A lot of Dre's beats on Eminem's album have always seemed a little below Dre standards to me.  Maybe it's just the way Eminem sounds on Dre's beats.  Or maybe he doesn't want to overwhelm Eminem's already-over-the-top style.  

In any case, I still don't feel blown away by anything Eminem has released from "Relapse" thus far.  Yet I still am highly anticipating it.  Have my expectations for good hip hop just fallen this far?  Or do I just believe Eminem is saving his best stuff for the album to make us believe cohesive albums (as opposed to random collections of hit-or-miss singles) still exist?  I am hoping for the latter.

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